Bridge Builders

Group size: 70 - 250

Time: 2 - 3

The road to success is always under construction.

~ Lily Tomlin


Bridge Builders is a fun, highly visual challenge, that reinforces the different tools we all bring to the table to create team success. It is also the embodiment of gamified experiential training, focusing on team dynamics, communication, planning, sharing best practices, alignment and execution, and measured results. In order for the entire group to succeed, each team must succeed first, which may rely on other teams’ support and cooperation.

Venture Up leaders begin the program with interactive energizer games, after which each team receives a locked Bridge Builders Box. Teams crack the codes, open the cases and the fun connections begin. Geared for all abilities, there may be 2 or 3 primary challenges at the core of this program.

Leonardo da Vinci Challenge

Venture Up creates its own da Vinci bridge challenges. They are vector based, arching bridge systems that are assembled without tape, wire, nails or any other attachments. Teams build the bridges as both single-span and large intersecting multi-dimensional units. The structures serve as an ideal metaphor for intact teams, virtual teams, departments, and global organizations. When you’re building a bridge, the stakes are high. If a bridge collapses, as often happens in the beginning, teams see the urgency in correcting their errors, right away.

The Maze

A multi-task, multi-phase, strategic challenge, The Maze is an exercise in sharing and training using the best practices, mitigating problems, and achieving a unified goal across multiple areas. Smaller teams are challenged to assemble The Maze within certain parameters. However, the real questions to explore are how to mobilize an organization made up of diverse small teams, and how to collaborate and learn so that the best results for the organization are achieved, vs. what serves the individual or the department.

CONNECTIONS ~ Corporate Social Responsibility

Most of our connections today are electronic. Phones, laptops, credit card machines, medical forms. Think of a day you haven’t interacted with a screen or monitor. Technology saves time, drive innovation and facilitates learning, yet the luxury of technology is not available to everyone.

The Connections element gives teams the option to infuse CSR into their event by giving back to the community with the gift of technology.

Venture Up has a range of tech-related games to facilitate giving computer tablets to a local school or group in need.

Once the teams meet the challenge, they receive a key to a case full of computer tablets, which may be donated directly to the group on site, or delivered to their facility.


At the end of the program, participants may receive a tangible and lasting reminder of their team experience — a smaller version of the Da Vinci bridge.